New York und Long Island Fotoalbum
Muscheln | Jones Beach | Fire Island | Fire Island Lighthouse |
Fire Island Lighthouse |
Rentiere auf Fire Island |
Blick aus Mantauk Lighthouse |
Mantauk Lighthouse | Mantauk Lighthouse | Target Rock Wildlife Refuge |
Target Rock Wildlife Refuge |
Target Rock Wildlife Refuge |
Orient Point | Orient Point | Horton's Point |
Horton's Point Lighthouse |
Old Field Lighthouse |
Fuchs auf Fire Island |
Fire Island Lighthouse |
Blick v. FI Lighthouse |
Robin Williams | Blick aus WTC | Modell NYCs | World Trade Center | China Town |
China Town | Chrysler Building | Public Library | Blick vom Empire | Blick vom Empire |
Public Library | Chrysler Building | Empire State Building |
Queensboro Bridge | Grauhörnchen |
Balto | Balto und ich | Arnold im Central Park |
Arnold und ich | Arnold im Museum |
Bronx Zoo Père David Deer |
Bronx Zoo Tukan |
Bronx Zoo Wolf |
Bronx Zoo Bär |
Bronx Zoo Affen |
Bronx Zoo Giraffen |
Bronx Zoo Mungos |
Bronx Zoo Was ist das? |
Bronx Zoo Löwen |
Battery Park |
Blick auf Ellis Island |
Statue of Liberty |
Statue of Liberty |
Manhattan & Ellis Island |
Ellis Island |
Wartehalle auf Ellis Island |
Ich vor der Skyline |
Grand Central | Grand Central | Fensterfassade in Manhattan |
Brücke im Central Park |
Hans Christian Andersen |